Life Of Hazrat Nooh-Generosity Of Hazrat Nooh-Hazrat Nooh



Hazrat Nooh, or Noah in English, was a prophet and the messenger of Allah who lived thousands of years ago. He was sent by Allah to show his people the way and warn them of what would happen if they disobeyed. Hazrat Nooh, one of Islam's most important prophets, is mentioned in both the Bible and the Quran.

Hazrat Nooh was born to Lamik, a son of Methuselah and Enoch, respectively. He was born during a time when people were lost and the world was filled with sin and corruption. The father of Hazrat Nooh was a decent man who put in a lot of effort to guide his people in the right direction. Nonetheless, his endeavors were to no end since individuals were more worried about fulfilling their material requirements than Allah's orders.

When Hazrat Nooh got married to Naamah, he had four sons named Shem, Ham, Japheth, and Canaan. Among the couple of people who stuck to Hazrat Nooh's lessons and put stock in his message were his better half and children.

Prophethood Allah chose Hazrat Nooh to be his messenger and prophet when he was 480 years old. Allah gave him the command to warn his people about the retribution they would face if they didn't change their ways. Although Hazrat Nooh initially resisted the overwhelming task, he eventually accepted Allah's command and began instructing his family.

Hazrat Nooh preached to his people for more than 950 years, but sadly, only a few people believed in his message. He tried to convince his people that they were wrong and needed to turn to Allah and change their ways. He warned them about the punishment they would face if they continued to ignore Allah.

Hazrat Nooh's Ark As his family continued to ignore his message, Allah told Hazrat Nooh that he needed to build an enormous boat that could withstand the extraordinary flood that Allah would send to punish people for their wrongdoings. Hazrat Nooh began building the ark with the help of his family and a few followers.

With an estimated length of 300 cubits, width of 50 cubits, and level area of 30 cubits, the ark was enormous. It was made of wood and was made to withstand the enormous flood that Allah would send.

The Great Flood As the ark neared completion, Allah revealed to Hazrat Nooh that the great flood was coming. Along with his family and the believers, Hazrat Nooh was instructed to load the ark with two individuals from each animal species found on earth.

The great flood that followed lasted forty days and forty nights. As the water rose higher and higher, everything soon became submerged. The ark floated on the water safe for Hazrat Nooh and his companions.

The ark finally came to a stop on Mount Judi after the flood had subsided, and Hazrat Nooh and his companions emerged from the ark. After everything had been destroyed, they came to the realization that they were the only ones still standing.

The Tradition of Hazrat Nooh Following the Incomparable Flood, Hazrat Nooh and his family started the most common way of modifying their lives. Sadly, while he preached to them, the majority of them continued to refuse to listen.

Because he lived for over 950 years, Hazrat Nooh is regarded as one of Islam's greatest prophets. His legacy lives on, and people are still inspired and guided in the right direction by his story.

Hazrat Nooh was Allah's messenger and prophet.


Hazrat Nooh, more commonly referred to as Noah was a prophet of Allah who lived a life of generosity. He was known for being thoughtful of all living things and having sympathy for them all. In addition to his friends and family, he was kind to strangers and even animals. Muslims from all over the world look to Hazrat Nooh's life as a source of inspiration, and his openness is still praised to this day.

Generosity toward Animals Hazrat Nooh was well-known for his compassion and love for animals. His concern for animals and awareness of the significance of taking care of all living things were evident during the great flood. Allah instructed him to bring two animals from each species of earth into the ark in addition to building an ark to safeguard himself, his family, and the believers from the flood. By Allah's instruction, Hazrat Nooh cared for the animals while they were aboard the ark. He ensured that they were comfortable and adequately fed despite having very few resources. This act of kindness toward animals demonstrates Hazrat Nooh's compassion and kindness.

Generosity toward His People Hazrat Nooh was a prophet who deeply cared about his people and wanted them to live a life of righteousness. He always approached them with kindness and compassion, and he tried to steer them in the right direction with patience and persistence. He would preach to them for hours, pleading with them to turn to Allah and explaining what would happen to them if they continued to disobey Him. Hazrat Nooh kept on being liberal toward them and appealed to God for their direction and prosperity despite the way that his kin didn't focus on him and ridiculed him.

Generosity to His Family As well, Hazrat Nooh was kind to his family. He has dedicated himself to his wife Naamah as well as his four sons, Shem, Ham, Japheth, and Canaan. Additionally, he was a caring father. He always helped them succeed and attended to their physical and emotional requirements. He prayed for the blessing of having righteous children because he loved his son Shem the most. All Muslims should take Hazrat Nooh's example of kindness toward his family as a model.

Generosity toward Strangers Hazrat Nooh was also known for being kind to strangers. He would warmly welcome guests to his home and provide them with food and shelter. Because he believed that Allah regarded all humans as equal, he treated everyone with kindness and respect. Hazrat Nooh was a great example of Islam's highly prized virtue of generosity toward strangers.

Conclusion Hazrat Nooh's life was marked by his kindness to all living things, generosity, and compassion. His devotion to his family, his love for animals, his concern for his people, and his generosity to strangers are all cherished Islamic values. The legacy of Hazrat Nooh's generosity serves as a reminder to all Muslims of how important it is to treat others with kindness and compassion, as well as the blessings that come with having a heart of generosity. The life of Hazrat Nooh continues to inspire Muslims all over the world to be generous and compassionate toward all living things.

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