When a beggar gave alms to the king

When a beggar gave alms to the king
A beggar went out to beg one day, he got some grain from a house, he went ahead and when he came on the way to the king's palace, he saw the king of the city coming towards him on his horse. He wanted to see the ride. stood up for, but what did it do? The king's ride came to a stop. The king got off the horse and spread his hands in front of the beggar and said: Give me some alms. The first beggar you meet on the road, if you beg from him, the crisis will be avoided. So do not forbid. The beggar was stunned, the king is begging him to avoid the crisis of the country. , so his fist was filled with grains. He thought that he will not give that much. He loosened his fist a little and filled some grains of grain. But then he thought that if I give even that much, what will happen to me? He clenched his fist even less. And very little grain was given to the king. After begging all day long, when the beggar reached home, he said to his wife - Today has become a wonder. I had to give alms. He begged When the wife turned the cradle upside down, a gold coin came out. Seeing this, the beggar regretted and said to his wife - why didn't I give all the grain to the king? If I had done that, today My life-long poverty would have disappeared. In this symbolic story, it is indicated that giving charity and helping others increases prosperity, so we should keep our hands and hearts open while giving to others. Those who keep their hearts and hands narrow. Their own sustenance is also tight and Allah Almighty is also angry